Team speaker List
Dr Alvin Eng
Dr Alvin Eng is a member of various professional societies including the International Gastric Cancer Associations (IGCA), American Society for Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery (ASMBS), International Federation of Surgery for Metabolic and Obesity Disorders (IFSO), Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society of Singapore (OMSSS) and the Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia (ELSA).
Dr Chew Chee Kian
Dr Chew Chee Kian completed his Advanced Specialist Training in Endocrinology in 2013 and was awarded the Health Manpower Development Plan Scholarship to further his training in bone and calcium metabolism disorders at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA, in 2016 to 2018. He started a dedicated calcium and bone metabolism clinic at Tan Tock Seng Hospital in 2018.
Dr Pakkavuth Chanswangphuvana
He is the Program Director of the Thammasat University Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowship Program. He is the Assistant International Affairs of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgeons of Thailand (LEST), the committee of Thai hernia society (THS) and the committee of Thai Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (TSMBS).
Dr. Edward Cheong
Senior Consultant General Surgeon Specialising in Laparoscopic and Endoscopic treatments for Upper GI cancer, and Bariatric Surgery with PANASIA SURGERY. (Published in UK’s National Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer Audit). This is a good surrogate marker for low post-operative complication (an important factor in long-term survival after cancer surgery).
Dr. Mustafa Mohammed Taher Al-Khafaji
Achieved many publications in high impact international journals. Won the golden medal for innovation of the Creative Method of Managing Buried Bumper Syndrome which was published in the RCS (Royal College of Surgeons - United Kingdom ) as a new technique in the world .